5 foods used to eat our prophet (ﷺ)? 🖐

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is an example for us in everything, including nutrition. By following the prophetic tradition, we obtain many benefits in this life and especially in taking care of our body. 🙌 Here we tell you the 5 foods...

The life after death. ☄

In Islam there is life after death, this is known as Akhirah. Allah is the one who decides when a person dies and will remain in the grave until judgment day (Yawm al-din). 😐   “وما كان لنفس أن تموت...

The Quran and its relationship with honey 🍯

The properties and benefits of honey have been known and used by different societies over time. Currently this substance constitutes one of the most important primary natural sweeteners, whose benefits range from a pleasant taste to the palate, to the...

The benefits of telling the truth. 😌

Sometimes it is so easy to lie, that we choose to do it continuously, right? Every time we lie, we take reality in our own way and not what is true. 😈 There are many ways to lie, but all...

How to stop worrying and start living? 😠

Every second you spend worrying is a second you waste. 👀 When we worry, our mind is not in the present, but is fixed on the future or the past. Paradoxically, the only time you have is precisely the present...