What is the Dhikr? (ذِكْر) 📿

What is the Dhikr? (ذِكْر) 📿

The Dhikr is the way to remember and praise the only powerful one in this world (Allah). 🤲

Dhikr is a ritual that Muslims perform after each of the five obligatory prayers. The most common is to repeat: “Subhanallah”, “Alhamdulillah” and “Allahu akbar” 33 times each. 👆

The supplications to recite after the prayer have been reported by Abu Hurairah from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

Whoever glorifies Allah (saying Subhan allah) thirty-three times immediately after each prayer, and praises God (saying Alhamdulillah) thirty-three times, and magnifies God (saying Allahu akbar) thirty-three times, and then completes the number one hundred saying:

(There is no divinity other than God, alone, without partner or associates, His is the kingdom and the glory, and in His hands is the destiny of all things), your (minor) sins will be forgiven even when they are as abundant as the Sea foam”.

📜 Reported by Muslim, 939.

The Dhikr is performed after each obligatory prayer. It is customary to use the right hand when performing the Dhikr or a rosary (Tasbih). 📿

Begin the count with the lower segment of the little finger. When you say Subhanallah, touch the lower segment of the little finger with your thumb. When you repeat Subhanallah, move your thumb up to the middle segment of the little finger. When you say Subhanallah for the third time, touch the upper segment of the little finger. 🖐

Help yourself with the Salat application, to keep the entire account of the dhikr in days, months and years. This way you will know at all times how you are wearing your dhikr. 📱
