Do you control your bad thoughts? 😖

Do you control your bad thoughts? 😖

Negative thinking can become a dangerous habit. The thoughts sink into the mind and stay there until you take steps to get rid of them. 😡

Some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) approached him and said with deep tension: 📜

– “O Messenger of Allah, sometimes we have these thoughts, we hate having these thoughts, we would never dare to speak about them and we just want them to go away.”

– Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) said: Are you really facing that?

– They said: “Yes.”

– He said: “That is clear faith. Know that Allah will reward you for the way you feel, the guilt you feel for just having that whisper, for even having that doubt is actually a sign of faith in himself.

– They said: “With the satanic whispers, I cannot pray or read the Quran !!”

– Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) said: Satan will always whisper, but the fact that you do not allow that whispering to turn into action is a clear sign of faith.

Al Hassan Al Basri said that: 📚
“When Satan gives up on leading you astray, then all it comes down to is a lot of whispering. And as long as you let it linger there and don’t allow it to penetrate your actions, don’t think that Allah is going to punish you for your thoughts “.

Remember the best way to get away from those bad thoughts is not to turn them into action. 💪