How to purify your soul in the blessed month of Ramadan? 😊

How to purify your soul in the blessed month of Ramadan? 😊

As a Muslim, it’s important to set this goal in your mind during this sacred month and do everything you can to rid yourself of your bad actions.

Among the behaviors you should avoid are uncontrolled anger, speaking behind people’s backs, lying, spreading rumors, listening to music, and viewing illicit videos or photos. You should also stay away from tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, as well as avoid illicit economic transactions and behave justly and kindly to others.

Remember that the month of Ramadan is a time to reflect on your actions and repent for your mistakes. Don’t postpone repentance, do it now and become a better version of yourself. If you are weak in the face of these bad actions, don’t wait for Ramadan to change. Do it right now and become a stronger person.

The Prophet (ï·º) said, “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah has no need of his giving up his food and drink.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari). So, don’t just focus on abstaining from food and drink, but also on changing your actions and improving your character.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get closer to Allah and improve your spirit. Make the month of Ramadan the time when you get rid of your bad behaviors and habits and become the best version of yourself. May Allah bless you in this sacred month!


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