How to stop worrying and start living? 😠

How to stop worrying and start living? 😠

Every second you spend worrying is a second you waste. 👀

When we worry, our mind is not in the present, but is fixed on the future or the past. Paradoxically, the only time you have is precisely the present moment. ✨

However, to reduce worries in your life, you must first find their causes. 🧐

One of the ways to approach or analyze a direct training problem is to follow these steps:

➡️ Discover the correct data, trying to describe your situation objectively. Write it down on a piece of paper or on your cell phone.

➡️ Analyze this description of your situation as if you were an outside person, and determine your options.

➡️ Make a decision that makes sense in the moment, and stick with it.

We suffer more in our imagination than in reality. Your situation is probably not as bad as you think. It could be a lot worse. In fact, it is certain that someone has it much worse than you! 🌍

For this reason it is important to say “Alahmdoulilah” daily. Thanking Allah for all the good things that he has allows you to be aware of the other good things and how lucky you are in some things. 🤲

In the morning, when you wake up, you have to thank Allah for giving you a new day. A new day that you should take advantage of to do a lot of good deeds! 🙂

When you have finished eating or drinking, you have to say ‘’ alhamduliLlah ’’ because with these actions Allah has strengthened your body and remember that many other children do not have that blessing. ☁

In times of worry and stress it is difficult to remember how lucky you are in life. Put gratitude into your daily routine. Count your blessings, not your problems! 🚶

When we are aware and present in the now, we don’t have to worry about getting caught up in thoughts of our past or anxiety about our future. The “now” is our most precious asset. The “now” is our only safe possession. 👤

One of the best tools to use in times of worry is to turn to all the good things that you have in your life and that Allah has given you. That is the way a Muslim has to face his inner concerns and live this moment, the present. 💪