The importance of the science of religion 🧐

The importance of the science of religion 🧐

Allah has elevated the rank of working scholars, and this because of the merit of science and its honor. The science of religion is the life of Islam.

The science of religion is of two kinds: 

a kind that it is a duty of every responsible person to learn personally, and a kind that if some acquire it, others are freed from sin. 🙂

The second kind is the collective obligation to acquire the science of religion; it is essential that there are Muslims who master it so that sufficiency is achieved. As for the first kind, it is the part of the science of religion that it is a personal obligation to learn, that which is targeted by his word.

طَلَبُ العِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ على كُلِّ مُسْلِم
To seek the science of religion is an obligation for every Muslim
📜 reported by Al-Bayhaqiyy

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