The life after death. ☄

The life after death. ☄

In Islam there is life after death, this is known as Akhirah.

Allah is the one who decides when a person dies and will remain in the grave until judgment day (Yawm al-din). 😐


“وما كان لنفس أن تموت إلا بإذن الله كتابا مؤجلا ومن يرد ثواب الدنيا نؤته منها ومن يرد ثواب الآخرة نؤته منها وسنجزي الشاكرين”
“No one can die except with the permission of Allah and according to the fixed term. To whoever wants the reward of life here, we will give of it. And to whoever wants the reward of the other life, we will give of it. And we will give back to the grateful. ”
📜 (Quran 3: 145)


On the day of judgment you will be raised from his grave and brought before Allah and judged for how you lived in this earthly life. 📔

People who have done more good deeds than bad will enter Paradise (Jannah). Paradise (Jannah) is a place described as a “garden of eternal bliss” and a “home of peace.” In Jannah there will be no sickness, pain or sadness. 🌴

People who have done more bad deeds than good will enter Hell (Jahannam). This is a place of physical and spiritual suffering. 👺

Allah is forgiving, merciful and compassionate, so not all bad deeds will be punished. Allah will forgive those who have repented of their sins and those who have done something good in their lives, for example by showing kindness to others. 🙂

One who has faith in the afterlife does not despair. His belief helps him to tolerate all kinds of evils, calamities and diseases. According to him, everything comes from Allah and will have his answer in the life beyond, which is more supreme and eternal. So all of those are not an obstacle to his happiness. 👍

One who has faith in the afterlife has the awareness that death is not a disappearance. He regards death as a means of reuniting with his loved ones and paradise. Thanks to this belief, he readily accepts illness and old age that bring him closer to death. He can bear the pains of the death of his loved ones. It is not possible for one to have peace who thinks that death means disappearance. 👀

Having faith in the afterlife and being accountable on the Day of Judgment facilitates the human consciousness of mission and responsibility. One does not leave the straight path thanks to this belief. He earns his living by legal means and does not commit fraud and deception. He uses life and profit from it for beneficial actions. 💎

All evils are based on disregarding the life beyond. One, who does not have a limit on his wishes, can abuse the rights of other people and can act brutally. He can resort to all kinds of deception and evil for his interests. But, the belief in being accountable in the afterlife and worrying about being punished keep you from doing wrong to others. He knows his rights and limits and makes it his mission to protect the rights of others. 💪

The belief in the afterlife not only helps humans to gain eternal paradise, but also turns this world into paradise. 🌳