Why is gold forbidden for men? 💍

Why is gold forbidden for men? 💍

Our the prophet of Islam Mohamed (ﷺ) on many occasions prohibited Muslim men from wearing gold jewelry. Because gold jewelry is exclusive items only for women. Men should not imitate women to maintain men’s masculinity. 🏺

It is known that gold is something that people adorn and beautify themselves with, but it is assumed that a man does not do it, that is, he is not a person who can be perfected through the adornments that are added, except women . A woman needs to adorn herself to be attractive. That is why it is allowed for a woman to adorn herself with gold and other elements, so that the man is attracted to her and seeks her, and thus achieve the purpose of marriage. 👳‍♂‍🧕

Dressing up with ornaments and delicacy is only appropriate for women; with regard to men, for them this is something reprehensible. That does not mean that he is not well dressed and with good hygiene. 🚿

Allah wants the Muslim to distinguish himself among the people by his hygiene. That is why he has rules of personal hygiene, bathing frequently according to the teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ), who encouraged people to bathe and wear perfumes, especially on Fridays, said:
“Bathe on Fridays and wash your heads, even if you are not in the state of Yanâbah, and perfume yourself.” 📜
(Reported by Al-Bujâri.)

Men, however, can wear silver. 💎
Under the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, al-Bukhaari reported that the former said: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) wore a silver ring. After him Abu Bakr and then ‘Umar and’ Uthman used it, until it fell from their finger into the well of Arees. ”
(Reported by al-Bukhari).

Another reason why gold is forbidden for men is that it could make men break extravagance and dissipation, thus curing the human nature of love show. 🔆
