How to purify your soul in the blessed month of Ramadan? 😊

As a Muslim, it’s important to set this goal in your mind during this sacred month and do everything you can to rid yourself of your bad actions. Among the behaviors you should avoid are uncontrolled anger, speaking behind people’s...

Jumu’ah: A Sacred Day of Gathering and Reflection for Muslims 🕌

Jumu’ah, or the day of congregation, is a sacred day for Muslims. It is a special day on which Muslims gather in the mosque to offer the midday prayer in congregation. This day is so important that it has become...

Honey: A Delicious Treasure Packed with Benefits for Your Health 🍯

Honey is a sweet and delicious food that has been used for thousands of years as a natural sweetener and a medicinal remedy. Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers and is rich in nutrients and compounds...

The Importance of Friday Prayer for Muslims 🕋

Friday is a special day for Muslims and attending Friday prayer at the mosque is a very important tradition. Friday prayer is one of the five daily obligatory prayers in Islam and is considered an opportunity to come together with...

How to identify insect meal in food products? 🕷

Insect meal is a food obtained from dried and ground insects, commonly crickets, ants, and maguey worms. This flour is used in human and animal nutrition as a sustainable and ecological alternative to conventional foods. However, just like any other...